Posts in Category: general

Summer Vacation 2012

I went on a trip to Chicago to meet my cousins .I went to the Willis [sears] Tower in Chicago. It’s 110 stories tall,the only way to get to the top is by elevator,the elevator goes 40 Miles per hour.  There’s something called skydeck which is a glass ledge attached to the building,from the ledge you can see most of Chicago.  Skydeck is on the 103rd floor. You can see Willis tower from Michigan,Illinois,Indiana,and Wiconsin. It’s the tallest building in the U.S.A.

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Awesome Weekend

My weekend and was eventful and  I had lot of fun.I went to Big Bear.Me and my brother Eshaan had a snow ball fight.I went on a ski-lift and I went on Alpine ride, I loved that ride, went on it 5 times. We did snow tubing, The vacation home we stayed in was very good, Me, Riya and Eshaan had a blast, we went acorn hunting, played with shovel. We had a huge room to ourselves which had bunk beds and it was so much fun.

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Odessy of the Mind tournament

I had a Odessey of the Mind tournament. It was at Mira Costa High school, Manhattan Beach. My teams problem was Hide and Peek, The story was about a evil wizard that turned everyone into slaves and was killed by a good wizard (me). My part was to reveal the surprise objects from 5, 8 and 10 feet away. My friend David played the role of evil wizard, he is really good in acting. Shreya, Shresta, Casey and Adalia played the role of villagers who were turned into slaves by the evil wizard.Anushka was the narrator. Our show was fun.

Our team also won a medal. Over there I

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Hello I am back

Sorry all I was busy. I had second grade work and odessey of the mind. We do a lot of sponts.I love to do odessey. We are going to participate in a regional tournament on march 3 2012.In my team I have me,Casey,Shreya,Shresta,Adalia,and Anushka. You know something my mom is the coach for our odessey team.
My new favorite series is Harry Potter.I am reading Half Blood Prince now.I already read five i’m on my sixth.I like science we do a lot of science in school.Also I am a yellow belt in karate.

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My field trip to Chumash Interpretive Centre

In sunday Me, mom and my brother Eshaan went Chumash for a field trip we took a trail that headed to the village when we were walking I heard the birds chirping and air planes passing by,I thought it was Air Force One mumma told me it was some other passenger plane. then we walked some more it was very dense and quiet and little scary. we saw 12 squirrels, and 6 deers their whole family 2 black beetles we also saw teepees in witch Indins lived in long time back we had fun I also so a sign that said caution rattle snakes.when I read that Eshaan got sacred and was telling mumma to pick him up.

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My 6th Birthday

At my 6 th birthday I played tag with my friend samyak.Play-well tech peoplefor the lego activity, we built moterized cars Every body put diferent lego topings on and decorated their cars however they wanted.Then Jared my lego instructor made a ramp and we all raced our cars on that, it was really cool.There was cake – pizza and fruits for us. all the kids who were Eshaan’s age we had treasur hunt for them ..There were 48 kids.And i got lot of gifts…This Birthday was alo special because Anu mama got Sara and Alisha for the party..

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Hi Everyone- My favourite book

I want to share something with all of you. My Librarian introduced me too Magic Tree House books, i love them they are so much fun, i read them in car, in bathroom, while eating food mommy shouts but i still do that … check it out my school has whole series 1-43, i have already read 12 till now

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Power Miners- Magna Mesh

My robots name is Magna Mesh. Powers miners are good, they find crystals from under the ground and kill rock monsters. One day mMagna mesh was walking and looking for crystals and rock monster came and attacket. Rock monsters steal the crystals and eat it to get power to defeat power miners.
Magna Mesh has one arm as titanium scissors and other hand is a water jet dril and why they have water jet dril is becose he goes to lava places and somtimes he falls into lava, his jet dril helps him to spray water at hot lava and

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Agents Mobile Command Centre – Mission 6

This is a agent mobile command centre, they are the one who fight bad guys. The mobile command centre was driving one day and became suspicious about some characters and then transformed to attak mode.the command centre has a crane that picks up the cars, and also a projector the reflects the shawdow on its wall.The front flap opens and the jet ejects and attacks.2 agents sits on the cabin

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Starry Night at My school

We had a Starry Night at our school it was so cool.
There were 7 may be 8 huge telescopes and we saw moon and later we came home and Me daddy and eshaan went back really late to school and there were so many people in line already.
We saw Saturn and other was really exciting

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