Graduation Day

“Armaan, wake up”, said my little brother Eshaan, I tried ignoring him but he wouldn’t leave so I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and saw the clock; 6:03 it read.

“Oh, Happy Birthday” I said, “And what time did you wake up” I added. looking at his excited, little face.

“4:37, but you have to wake up now” he said, pulling on my arm in hope of getting me out of bed.

“NO, I don’t want to” I said, closing my eyes and pushed him off of the bed.

“I have donuts downstairs” he responded, which knocked all thought of sleep out of my head.

“Fine, I’m coming” I responded as I walked to brush my teeth.

1 Hour Later

I quickly tied my Nike Airmax Stutter Step Hightops before I stepped out the door, said bye to my Dad and climbed into the shotgun seat of the Honda.

When I got to school I was excited and knew that I wouldn’t have to any work because we had taken all our textbooks home yesterday.

It turns out I was right that we absolutely no work today, so instead we played games and talked the whole entire day. The only thing we learned was how to play a game called “woosh”.

We played for about 30 minutes, until Mr. Ollowski said “It’s time to go”, at first I thought where are we going then I remembered the promotion brunch. When we walked into the MPR there was a slideshow of the school year playing, and I saw a picture of myself. The slideshow ended, and then, my teacher. Mr. Olkowski gave a speech about the year, and right before I fell asleep he said “My class, come on stage”.

I walked on stage and immeadiately sat next to Ishan (my friend, not my brother) and Noah and waited to get the certifacate that said “I passed 5th Grade 2014-15”, but I was wishing I could change it to “I survived 5th Grade”. I got my certifacate last in the whole class, and then we sat down again and watched the other classes get certifacates, most were boring but in Mr. Micali’s class each kid had a different handshake and in one of them, Mr Micali flipped the kid over.

When that was finnaly over we got to eat a brunch with awesome food but I wasn’t that hungry so I just ate three muffins.

When we got back to class, we just talked used the computer and listened to music.


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