5th Grade and My Take On Middle School

I think 5th Grade was pretty exciting, but there were some good parts and same bad parts. Here are some of the good parts;

Fieldtrips– there were a lot of field trips which were amazing there was Camp Arroyo, DVHS Science Day, Little Hils, and the Marine Science Institute (MSI).

PE– PE was awesome because we played a lot of games, and even the fitness test was easier and more fun than tests in other subjects.

So here are some of the bad parts of last school year:

Writing– this is one of the hardest subjects I had last year.

Reports– my class had a whole lot of state reports and my teacher would always be like “this is due in 2 weeks” and I’ll forget and remember the last day.

Test– there is always some test or pop quiz you don’t remember about and you are completely surprised when your teacher says “this is the test that you studied for yesterday”.

I’ve heard a lot of things about 6th grade but I don’t really know what’s true and what’s not, for example I do know that we have PE everyday but I don’t know if you actually run a mile everyday. I also heard that we get graded every day not every trimester.

I’m pretty excited for middle school, I’m also kind of nervous because I heard that there is a whole lot of work and your teachers are supposedly stricter.

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