My trip to Jamshedpur

In case you don’t know where Jamshedpur is then here is a brief intro: Jamshedur is a town that is also known as Tata-Nagar and was founded by Jamsedji Tata who is the founder of the Tata steel company, this used to be a usual steel company but now they make cars, airplanes, chemicals, hotels and phones. Jamshedpur is the town where parents grew up and in case you still haven’t realized its in India.

My grandparents from my mom’s side of the family used to have a piece of land and a huge house with 44 rooms but then they destroyed it and built an apartment complex and they have a room, on my dad’s side of the family my gradndpa has a 3 story house plus a roof that you can walk on. In Jamshedpur I have a lot of cousin’s from my dad’s side of the family and my cousins from my mom’s side of the family live in Chicago and Kolkata (another indian town).

In Jamshedpur we had Jalebi (which are indian sweets)  almost everyday since it was the only indian sweet my brother Eshaan likes since he hates most dairy products and like 90% are dairy or at least dairy based. We went to an amazing resteraunt called  Biryani House and it was amazing they had grat spicy biryani and it was really good. At my Grandpa on my Dad’s side of the family’s house we had really good food same on my mom’s side of the families house.

There were also some cool places that visited and a few of them are: Jubilee Park which is a huge park with colorful fountains, there was another place we went and that was called the Sound and Lights show and basically explained the history of Tata industries on a screen of water using a projecter.

That is a very, very short version of all my great moments in Jamshedpur, but these are just a few and there is a lot I missed, so Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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