Posts in: December, 2015

My trip to Jamshedpur

In case you don’t know where Jamshedpur is then here is a brief intro: Jamshedur is a town that is also known as Tata-Nagar and was founded by Jamsedji Tata who is the founder of the Tata steel company, this used to be a usual steel company but now they make cars, airplanes, chemicals, hotels and phones. Jamshedpur is the town where parents grew up and in case you still haven’t realized its in India.

My grandparents from my mom’s side of the family used to have a piece of land and a huge house with 44 rooms but then they destroyed it and built an apartment complex and they have a room, on my dad’s side of the family my gradndpa has a 3 story house plus a roof that you

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